Research Article

Perceived Pain during Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME): Trends, Anatomical Distinctions, and Age and Gender Correlations

Table 1

Basic characteristics of the participants and average pain values (FPS) in the different anatomical areas analyzed in the first 2 weeks of treatment.


Age, years, mean (SD)10.89 (1.93)9.25 (1.73)10.11 (2.00)
Gender, number (%)45 (53%)40 (47%)85 (100%)

Pain values (FPS), mean (SD)
 Anterior palate area (APA)1.41 (0.27)2.75 (1.39)2.04 (0.73)
 Posterior palate area (PPA)1.70 (0.98)3.43 (1.34)2.51 (1.11)
 Joint area (JA)1.67 (1.22)1.64 (0.54)1.65 (0.82)
 Nasal area (NA)1.30 (0.32)1.67 (0.66)1.10 (0.37)
 Zygomatic area (ZA)0.94 (0.33)1.29 (1.05)1.19 (0.57)