Research Article

Study on the Correlation between Pain and Cytokine Expression in the Peripheral Blood of Patients with Bone Metastasis of Malignant Cancer Treated Using External Radiation Therapy

Figure 3

Pairwise comparisons were performed using Student’s t-test. Comparisons of MIP-1δ, MCP-2, TIMP-1, RANTES, IGFBP3, and TNF-α levels between the three groups. The y-axis represents a standardized cytokine expression level and represents a significant difference. MCP—, preradiotherapy vs. postradiotherapy; , postradiotherapy vs. healthy controls; , preradiotherapy vs. healthy controls. IGFBP3—, preradiotherapy vs. postradiotherapy; , postradiotherapy vs. healthy controls; , preradiotherapy vs. healthy controls. MIP-1δ, preradiotherapy vs. postradiotherapy; , postradiotherapy vs. healthy controls; , preradiotherapy vs. healthy controls. RANTES—, preradiotherapy vs. postradiotherapy; , postradiotherapy vs. healthy controls; , preradiotherapy vs. healthy controls. TNF-α, preradiotherapy vs. postradiotherapy; , postradiotherapy vs. healthy controls; , preradiotherapy vs. healthy controls. TIMP-1—, preradiotherapy vs. postradiotherapy; , postradiotherapy vs. healthy controls; , preradiotherapy vs. healthy controls.