Research Article

Validation of a Model Predicting That Physical Activities Improve Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Japanese Adults with Pain, Dysesthesia, and Kinesiophobia after Lumbar Surgery: Structural Equation Modeling

Table 1

Descriptive statistics of the assessed items.

Items (range)MedianQuartile deviationMinimum-maximum

 LBP (0–10 points)21.50–10
 LP (0–10 points)11.50–8
 LD (0–10 points)11.50–9

 EQ-5D (0–1 points)0.7280.0960.01–1

 SF (7–28 points)152.07–26
 AA (6–24 points)151.56–22

Physical activities
 Walking (1–5 points)21.01–5
 S/LIE (1–5 points)11.51–5
 MSE (1–5 points)11.01–5
 MTH/G (1–5 points)21.01–5
 Paid works (1–5 points)10.51–5

LBP, lower back pain; LP, leg pain; LD, leg dysesthesia; HRQOL, health-related quality of life; EQ-5D: EuroQol 5-dimension, SF, somatic focus; AA, activity avoidance. S/LIE, stretching and light-intensity exercises; MSE, muscle strength exercises; MTH/G, maintenance tasks of the house and garden, including kitchen garden.