Research Article

Evaluation of Patient Comfort and Impact of Different Anesthesia Techniques on the Temporomandibular Joint Arthrocentesis Applications by Comparing Gow-Gates Mandibular Block Anesthesia with Auriculotemporal Nerve Block

Table 3

Difference values of ANB and GG between preoperative and 3rd and 6th months.

Difference valuesANBGG

MMO 3rd Mt-preopMean ± SD2.90 ± 1.972.60 ± 1.600.573
Median (IQR)3 (1–5)2 (1,25–4)
MMO 6th Mt-preopMean ± SD3.45 ± 1.853.30 ± 1.380.804
Median (IQR)3 (2.25–5)4 (2–4)
PM 3rd Mt-preopMean ± SD0.8 ± 0.830.85 ± 0.670.645
Median (IQR)1 (0-1)1 (0-1)
PM 6th Mt-preopMean ± SD1.00 ± 0.81.15 ± 0.810.546
Median (IQR)1 (0–2)1 (0,25–2)
VAS preop-3rd MtMean ± SD4.50 ± 1.825.5 ± 1.910.088
Median (IQR)5 (2,25–6)5.5 (4–7)
VAS preop-6th MtMean ± SD4.80 ± 1.965.70 ± 1.660.145
Median (IQR)5 (3–6.75)6 (4.25–7)

Mann–Whitney U-test.