Research Article

Neuropathic Pain Relief after Surgical Neurolysis in Patients with Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injuries: A Preliminary Report

Table 2

Surgical neurolysis for pain improvement in BPI: literature review.

AuthorsYear of publicationSample size (n)Follow-up (months)Surgical techniquesPain VAS (preop)Pain VAS (postop)Statistical analysis ( value)Percentage of improvement

Current Study20211061.9 ± 53.62N8.4 ± 1.583.4 ± 3.2759.52
Morgan R. et al. [8]2020216 ± NMN + OF6.4 ± 2.502.0 ± 2.5031.25
Bonilla G. et al. [7]2011516 ± NMN, NG, NT9.1 ± 0.202.5 ± 0.2027.47
Narakas A. [6]1978NS132 ± NMN, NG, NTNSNSNMImprov.
Millesi H. [14]1977124 ± NMNNSNSNMImprov.
Mean value ± SD45.98 ± 53.227.97 ± 1.402.63 ± 0.71†39.41

VAS: visual analogue scale, N: neurolysis, OF: open fasciotomy, NG: nerve graft, NT: nerve transfer. NS: not specified. NM: not measured. ∗Pain improvement referred by the author. †A reduction in pain greater than 30% can be considered as a clinically significant response to treatment [12].