Research Article

The Impact and Correlation of Anxiety and Depression on Pressure Pain Threshold of Acupoints in Patients with Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Table 2

The demographic data in two groups.

ItemsGroup A (n = 73)Group B (n = 74)Statistical value value

Age (years)30.00 (26.00–36.50)30.50 (27.00–36.00)−0.2460.805
BMI20.40 (18.73–22.60)20.16 (18.83–22.42)−0.1430.886
Duration of disease (months)12.00 (7.00–36.00)7.00 (4.00–24.00)−2.6370.008
Educational level, n (%)0.6950.706
 Primary education or less3 (4.1%)2 (2.7%)
 Secondary education18 (24.7%)15 (20.3%)
 Tertiary education52 (71.2%)57 (77.0%)
Resting blood pressure (mm Hg)
 Systolic114.00 (112.00–120.00)116.00 (108.00–120.00)−0.2460.806
 Diastolic76.00 (70.00–79.00)74.00 (70.00–78.00)−1.2280.220

BMI: body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared). , .