Research Article

Assessment of the Factors Influencing the Patient’s Comprehension of the Informed Consent to Interventional Pain Procedures

Table 3

Relationship between patients’ demographics and their objective understanding of the procedure, with the propensity to predict poor understanding.

VariablesOR95% CI valuea

Assigned sex at birth (female : male)0.7760.375–1.6020.492

Age [23–90]1.0601.028–1.093≤0.001

Degree(C+ : ND)0.3160.090–1.1100.072
(HS : ND)0.7210.211–2.4610.601

Race(B : W)2.9151.294–6.5640.010
(O : W)4.7241.750–12.7490.002

Medical profession (no : yes)0.7260.271–1.9450.524

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; C+, college and higher degrees; ND, no diploma; HS, high school; B, Black; W, White; O, other races including Latino, American Indian, Asian, and multirace. aBinary logistic regression. bHosmer–Lemeshow test: chi-square 7.024 with significance 0.534. Bold values are statistically significant.