Research Article

Analgesic Efficacy of Intravenous Ibuprofen in the Treatment of Postoperative Acute Pain: A Phase III Multicenter Randomized Placebo-ControlledDouble-Blind Clinical Trial

Figure 6

The efficacy assessment of IVIB during 48 h postoperatively. (a) Morphine dose during the 24 h postoperative administration. (b) VAS at rest. (c) VAS at movement. (d) The AUCs of VAS at rest (mmh). (e) The AUCs of VAS at movement (mmh). (f) PSS for pain treatment during hospitalization (PSS was assessed by a 5-point Likert scale: excellent-5;good-4;moderate-3;pass-2; and no pass-1; the bar represents satisfaction score, the bold bar represents the median, the upper and lower limit represent the highest and lowest score, respectively)  < 0.05, vs. placebo (including IVIB 400 mg vs placebo; IVIB 800 mg vs placebo). VAS, visual analog scale; VASR, visual analog scale at rest; VASM, visual analog scale with movement. AUCR, the area under the curve of VAS at rest; AUCM, the area under the curve of VAS at movement; PSS, patient satisfaction scores; h, hour.