
The genus Dolichoctis, of the tribe Lebiini, includes a large number of small Carabidae of the Oriental-Australian area. They are characterized by size (length often c 5 mm or less), by details of the mouthparts (which need not be given here — see Darlirgton 1968, 124), and almost always by presence of 2 minute punctures without setae on the posterior half of the third interval of each etytron. Most are arboreal, occurring often in under-story foliage of rain forest, although a few species probably occur in leaf litter on the ground. All previously known Dolichoctis are fully winged, so far as I know. The finding of a species in which wing atrophy has occurred is therefore of special interest. Atrophy of wings is in fact. rare among all the Lebiini of the Indo-Australian islands: of 16o members of he tribe found on New Guinea. only one has reduced wings (Nototarus papua Darlington 1968, 186). Of course wing atrophy is very common among some other Carabidae in some other parts of the world (Darlington 1936; 1943).