Research Article

Accidental Fire in the Cerrado: Its Impact on Communities of Caterpillars on Two Species of Erythroxylum

Table 1

Number of plants with caterpillars, abundance, and richness of caterpillars on two species of Erythroxylum, in two areas of cerrado sensu stricto in the FAL (burned and control areas) from September 2005 to August 2006.

Control (%)Burned (%)

Inspected plants 2,065 (49.2)2,131 (50.8)4,196
Plants with caterpillars 226 (10.9) 333 (15.6) 559
Abundance of caterpillars 346 (35.6) 626 (64.4) 972
Richness of caterpillars 29 (59.0) 36 (74.0) 47*

Species richness is not the sum total of the richness of the two areas because some species occur in both areas.