Research Article

Division of Labor in Pachycondyla striata Fr. Smith, 1858 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae)

Table 2

Behavioral catalog of Pachycondyla striata.

Category and behavioral actsQueensWorkersWinged femalesMales

(A) Feeding
 01-Feeding on prey0.03550.07000.0128
 02-Intake of liquids0.02640.05870.01710.0116

(B) Communication
 03-Antennate workers0.07550.05490.01280.0516
 04-Antennate queens0.03450.0052

(C) Brood care
 05-Antennate egg0.02180.0129
 06-Antennate larvae0.00100.003
 07-Antennate pupae0.004
 08-Standing on eggs0.0006
 09-Standing on larvae0.00100.0014
 10-Standing on pupae0.00090.0058
 11-Handling eggs0.01270.0045
 12-Handling larvae0.00630.0043
 13-Handling pupae0.0015
 15-Feeding larvae0.0058
 16-Cleaning larvae0.00850.0043
 18-Carrying eggs0.00630.01260.0086
 19-Carrying pupae0.0071
 20-Carrying larvae0.0031
 22-Standing and holding an egg0.00450.0061
 23-Standing and holding a pupa0.0012
 24-Egg laying0.00450.0004

(D) Sexuate care
 14-Handling winged females0.0003
 17-Cleaning males0.0059
 21-Carrying males0.0006

(E) Defense
 25-Guarding the nest entrance0.01100.03100.0210

(F) Exploring and foraging
 26-Capturing prey0.01180.0582
 27-Walking in the foraging arena0.04270.04780.10700.0580
 28-Tanden running0.00100.00470.0043

(G) Grooming
 29-Self-grooming their antennae0.11640.0820.0590.0860
 30-Self-grooming their 1st pair of legs0.05820.030.00430.0660
 31-Self-grooming their antennae and 1st pair of legs0.02820.02520.02590.0233
 32-Self-grooming their 2nd and 3rd pairs of legs0.05910.07220.02120.0290
 33-Self-grooming their anus0.00540.02000.0260
 34-Social grooming0.03630.00620.0530

(H) Inactivity
 38-Inactivity in the nest0.37000.03230.43690.5000
 39-Inactivity in the foraging arena0.02190.01630.03500.0630

(I) Dominance
 35-Antennal boxing0.02180.04050.0027

(J) Nest maintenance
 40-Carrying a dead ant0.00100.1512
 41-Handling a dead ant0.133
 42-Carrying garbage0.00100.0103
 43-Handling garbage0.00100.0085
 45-Exploring the plaster nest0.07000.01600.16390.0643
 46-Digging in the plaster nest0.0080

Total frequency1111

Total categories91098

Total behavioral acts31461913