Research Article

Tree-Dwelling Ants: Contrasting Two Brazilian Cerrado Plant Species without Extrafloral Nectaries

Table 1

Frequency of occurrence of ants and myrmecophilous hemipterans on Roupala montana (Proteaceae) and Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae), in Fazenda Agua Limpa, Federal District, Brazil. Comparisons made with contingency tables.

CaracteristicsRoupalaSolanumχ 2P

Examined plants327431
Plants with ants21822615.5170.0001
Plants with myrmecophilous hemipterans1391880.0940.816
Co-occurrence of ants and hemipterans1151430.3280.620
Plants with hemipterans without ants24452.1610.141
Plants with ants without hemipterans1038315.0460.0001