Review Article

Nematode Parasites and Associates of Ants: Past and Present

Table 5

(1)Nematodes represented as dauer or postdauer juveniles in the pharyngeal glands of antsRhabditidae, Diplogastridae and Panagrolaimidae
Nematodes developing in the body cavity of ants(2)
(2)Only juvenile nematodes present(3)
Adult nematodes with or without juveniles(4)
(3)Elongate nematodes normally over 15 mm in length at completion of development; not enclosed in membranous capsulesMermithidae
Nematodes under 10 mm in length; enclosed in membranous capsulesPhysalopteridae
(4)Nematodes reproducing in dead ants; infective juveniles produced(5)
Nematode adults, eggs and/or juveniles in living ants; infective juveniles absent(6)
(5)Males with a bursa; females with a pointed tailHeterorhabditidae
Males without a bursa; females with a bluntly rounded tail, often bearing a small point at tipSteinernematidae
(6)Eggs and juveniles presentAllantonematidae
Eggs, but no juveniles present(7)
(7)Vulva positioned at middle or lower half of bodyTetradonematidae
Vulva positioned in upper fourth of bodySeuratidae