Research Article

Properties of Arboreal Ant and Ground-Termite Nests in relation to Their Nesting Sites and Location in a Tropical-Derived Savanna

Table 1

Main effects of soil engineers nesting substrates (sites) on the mean available water capacity (AWC), dispersion ratio (DR), and calgon and water dispersibilities of the biogenetic structure’s clay, clay and silt, and silt.

Soil engineerNesting SiteAWC1  (%) DRCalgon dispersedWater dispersed
ClayClay + siltSiltClayClay + siltSilt

AntC. nitida42.3ab0.72a12.5a23.5a10.6a15.2a17.8a2.5a
AntI. gabonensis30.4a0.71a16.0a34.0a17.6a20.7a24.8a4.1a
AntM. indica60.0c0.76a17.5a35.0a14.5a16.2a24.8a8.8a
AntN. leavis43.3ab0.70a10.5a25.0a11.1a10.4a19.8a5.6a
AntP. macrophylla46.7b1.16a15.5a27.5a11.6a21.7a33.7a7.1a
-value 4.08 2.11 2.10 0.94 1.16 0.91 0.931.60
d.f. 5 5 5 5 5 5 55
value 0.005 0.087 0.088 0.469 0.348 0.485 0.4710.201

AWC: available water capacity and DR: dispersion ratio.
1Results of angular transformed data presented in the original scale.
Values within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different.