Research Article

A Survey of Bedbug (Cimex lectularius) Infestation in Some Homes and Hostels in Gboko, Benue State, Nigeria

Table 3

Distribution of bedbugs in different harborages in homes and hostels in Gboko.

Harborages Total number of harboragesNumber of harborages with bedbugs (%)Total Number
of bedbug

Bed frames700314 (44.9)1,356
Mattresses 905192 (21.2)603
Pillows80093 (11.6)262
Carpets 2613 (50.0)62
Walls60086 (14.3)157
Wooden chairs 10714 (13.1)53
Wooden benches369 (25.0)24
Bamboo beds 119 (81.8)28
Executive chairs21713 (6.0)36
Other Furniture20017 (8.5)61

Total 3,6027602,642