Research Article

New Species of Rheotanytarsus Thienemann and Bause (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanytarsini) from Darjeeling–Sikkim, Himalaya, India, with Revised Keys to the Adult Males and Pupae of the Species of the Oriental Region

Table 5

Key to Pupae of Oriental Rheotanytarsus Thienemann & Bause (Modified after Kyerematen et al. [2]).

(1) Tergite VIII with caudolateral comb; T II–V with anterior paired patches of spinules; thoracic horn with knee-like bend, heavily sclerotized2
Tergite VIII with single spur; T II–IV, II–V or II–VI with paired patches of spinules; thoracic horn may be sharply bent but not knee-like3
(2) Hook row of about 90 hooklets; anal lobe fringe of much less than 20 taeniae additus (Johannsen)
Hook row of 60–70 hooklets; anal lobe fringe of about 20 taeniae trivittatus (Johannsen)
(3) Thoracic horn sharply bent at midlength; T II–IV with oral, paired, rounded patches of spinules4
Thoracic horn not sharply bent; T II–V or II–VI with spinule patches 5
(4) Tergite VIII with 3 lateral taeniae thailandensis Moubayed
Tergite VIII with 5 lateral taeniae oss Cranston
(5) Tergites II–VI with sharply defined, paired spinule patches6
Tergites II–V with sharply defined patches of spinules 7
(6) Anal lobe with one large dorsal seta; thoracic horn with few fine spinulescurtistylus (Goetghebuer)
Anal lobe with two short dorsal setae; thoracic horn with many fine spinules in distal half orientalis Moubayed
(7) Anal lobe without dorsal setae; distal half of thoracic horn with many spinulesadjectus (Johannsen)
Anal lobe with long dorsal setae; distal half of thoracic horn with or without any spinules 8
(8) Distal half of thoracic horn without any spinules nudicornus n. sp.
Distal half of thoracic horn with few to many spinules 9
(9) Tergites II and III with transversely elongated or rectangular spine patches reissi Lehmann
Tergites II-III with circular or elliptical spine patches 10
(10) Numerous spinules on distal 2/3 of the thoracic horn spinicornus n. sp.
Spinules few on distal 1/3 of the thoracic horn tamaquartus Sasa