Research Article

Toxicity of Anethole and the Essential Oils of Lemongrass and Sweet Marigold to the Parasitic Mite Varroa destructor and Their Selectivity for Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Workers and Larvae

Figure 2

Relative expression of the gene AChE using qRT-PCR in Apis mellifera workers at 0 and 48 h posttreatment with 5 μl of tau-fluvalinate (110 μg/ml), anethole (34,200 μg/ml), Cymbopogon oil (60,000 μg/ml), and Tagetes oil (60,000 μg/ml). Control bees were treated with solvent (ethanol). Different letters indicate significant differences of means based on analysis of variance and Fisher protected LSD tests performed with log-transformed data.