Clinical Study

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for the Treatment of Emotion Dysregulation and Trauma Symptoms in Self-Injurious and Suicidal Adolescent Females: A Pilot Programme within a Community-Based Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

Table 1

Pre- (t1) and posttreatment (t2) comparisons on the TSCC for the 6 participants.

Pretreatment (t1)Posttreatment (t2)Statistics (t1 to t2)
TSCCMeanSDMeanSDWilcoxon’s testEffect size

Anxiety589.0148.56.25 0.6
Depression649.2158.339.70 0.59
Anger6811.6358.178.66 0.58
PTS6010.7153.8310.61 0.58
Dissociation6316.961.1718.43 0.03

sig < 0.05 (2 tailed).