Research Article

Executive Functions and Adaptive Behaviour in Autism Spectrum Disorders with and without Intellectual Disability

Table 3

Means, SD, and statistically significant differences ( test; Bonferroni correction: ; Cohen’s test) obtained from ASD and no-ASD groups at WCST.

Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)
Bonferroni adjusted valuesCohen’s

Flexibility: WCST errors %
Total ASD/no-ASD29.85 (9.38)21.33 (7.7)<.001<.0080.99
HF-ASD/TD25.25 (6.53)14.63 (4.5)<.001<.0081.89
ASD-BIF/BIF28.5 (7.15)19.42 (4.48)<.001<.0081.52
ASD-MID/MID36.38 (10.57)27.23 (7.51).031ns0.99

Perseverative responses %
Total ASD/no-ASD20.89 (9.04)10.67 (3.93)<.001<.0081.47
HF-ASD/TD19.38 (7.23)8.75 (2.76)<.001<.0081.94
ASD-BIF/BIF19.63 (9.78)10.42 (2.35).005.041.29
ASD-MID/MID24.63 (10.49)12.08 (5.2).002.0161.51

Perseverative errors %
Total ASD/no-ASD17.19 (8.62)9.94 (3.45)<.001<.0081.10
HF-ASD/TD14.25 (6.2)7.75 (1.83).01ns1.42
ASD-BIF/BIF17 (7.54)9.17 (2.25).003.0241.41
ASD-MID/MID22.38 (10.61)12 (4.1).005.041.29

Number of categories
Total ASD/no-ASD4.44 (1.85)5.61 (1.03).02ns−0.78
HF-ASD/TD4.75 (1.81)6 (0)nsns−0.97
ASD-BIF/BIF4.5 (1.69)6 (0).006.048−1.25
ASD-MID/MID3.5 (1.85)5 (1.47).05ns−0.89

ASD: autism spectrum disorders; HF: high functioning; BIF: borderline intellectual functioning; MID: mild intellectual disability; TD: typical development; ns: no significance.