Research Article

Patterns of Prescription of Psychotropic Medications and Their Adherence among Patients with Schizophrenia in Two Psychiatric Hospitals in Accra, Ghana: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Table 8

Patient report of adherence to psychotropic medications.

Variable FrequencyPercentage

Adherence to psychotropic medication
Reasons for poor adherenceā€‰ā€‰
Financial difficulties2314.6
Feeling of wellness159.6
Disliking the chronic use of medicines149.0
Busy schedule149.0
Relapse of illness74.5
Preference for CAM53.4
Negative attitude of nurses42.2
Distance to the hospital42.2
Change in medication42.2
Negative impact on career21.1

Low and moderate adherence have been combined as poor adherence: 98.1%; CAM: complementary and alternative medicine.