Research Article

The Effects of Citalopram and Thalamic Dopamine D2/3 Receptor Availability on Decision-Making and Loss Aversion in Alcohol Dependence

Table 1

Demographic and study entry data.


Male8 (80%)5 (50%)3.70.35
White5 (50%)2 (20%)11
Black3 (30%)4 (40%11
Age43.2 (8.1)38.3 (8.9)0.850.37
BDI9.5 (8.5)4.4 (4.6)2.80.11
Education12.9 (1.5)13.8 (1.5)1.80.2
EtOH drinks/day6.0 (3.3)0.13 (0.19)36.7<0.001
Current smokers7 (70%)0 (0%)00.003
CIWA0.5 (0.7)0.8 (1.0)0.60.46

AD: alcohol-dependent group; HC: healthy control group. Categorical information: values represent number (percent). Numerical information: values represent mean (s.d.). Statistics represent Fisher’s exact test odds ratios (categorical variables: gender, ethnicity, smokers) and ANOVA statistic values (continuous variables). Italics: .