Review Article

Additional Interventions to Enhance the Effectiveness of Individual Placement and Support: A Rapid Evidence Assessment

Table 1

Primary outcomes of included studies.

Supplementary intervention typeStudy
(Area of origin)
Study designExperimental condition(s) ()Control condition ()Primary outcomesStatistics

Skills trainingTsang et al. [8, 1618] (Hong Kong)RCTISE
(65) (66)
ISE = Higher employment, longer job tenure, fewer interpersonal conflicts than IPS and control at 3 year followupEmployment rate: χ 2 = 6.78, df = 1, Tenure: F = 9.53, df = 4316,

Wallace and Tauber [19] (Santa Barbara, USA)RCTIPS + WFT
IPS alone
No differences in earnings or hours worked. More job turnover and less job satisfaction in control groupEmployment rate: χ 2 <0.01

Mueser et al. [20] (Dartmouth, USA)RCTSE + WFT
Better knowledge of WFT, no differences on vocational outcomes at 18 monthsTenure: , Effect size: 0.16

Cognitive trainingGreig et al. [21, 22] (Connecticut, USA)RCTVOC + NET
VOC alone
#Higher competitive employment and more hours worked in VOC + NET groupEmployment rate: , df = 1,

Kern et al. [23] (Los Angeles, USA)RCTIPS + errorless learning*IPS alone*No differences in job placement or tenure. Twenty people employed

McGurk et al. [24, 25] (New York, USA)RCTSE + CT
More likely to work in SE + CT group, worked more hours, more jobs and higher earnings at 2-3-year followupEmployment rate: , df = 1,

Note: results are reported to 2dp. Acronyms: IPS; Individual placement and support; ISE; integrated supported employment; TVR; traditional vocational rehabilitation; WFT; workplace fundamentals Training; SE; supported employment; VOC; vocational programme; NET; neurocognitive enhancement therapy; CT; cognitive training. #Results taken from Bell et al. [22]. *Numbers in each condition unknown, .