Research Article

Assessing Function and Endurance in Adults with Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy: Validity of the Adult Myopathy Assessment Tool

Table 7

Quantitative assessment of peak muscle force. The tested muscle groups, subject testing position, and orientation of the dynamometer strap are listed for the quantitative assessment of maximum isometric force using a fixed dynamometry load cell£.

Muscle groupPatient positionStrap position

Upper extremity
 Lateral pinchSeated; elbow at 90°; midrange supination/pronationNone; pinch dynamometer
 Hand gripSeated; elbow at 90°; midrange supination/pronationNone; hand grip dynamometer
 Wrist flexorsSeated; elbow at 90°; midrange supination/pronationVentral metacarpals with second stabilizing strap at dorsal proximal wrist
 Elbow flexorsSupine; elbow at 90°; midrange supination/pronationRadial distal forearm proximal to wrist
 Elbow extensorsSupine; elbow at 90°; midrange supination/pronationUlnar distal forearm proximal to wrist
 Shoulder abductorsSupine; shoulder and elbow at 90°Lateral distal arm proximal to elbow
Lower extremity
 Ankle dorsiflexorsSupine; ankle at 90°Around dorsal metatarsals
 Knee extensorsSeated; hip and knee at 90°Around ankle and proximal to malleolus
 Hip flexorsSupine; hip and knee at 90°Anterior distal femur and proximal to patella
 Hip extensorsSupine; hip and knee at 90°Posterior distal femur
 Hip abductorsSeated; hip and knee at 90°Lateral distal femur

AEVERL Medical, LLC P.O. Box  170 Gainesville, GA 30503.
£Interface, 7401 East Butherus Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85260.