Research Article

Assessment of the Exercise Intensity of Short Stick Exercises in Elderly Individuals

Table 1

Content, times, and duration of 6 steps of short stick exercises for elderly people.

Step numberContentsTimes

1Warming-up exercise5 times each

2 Throwing and catching stick3 times each
 One-hand versionThrowing and catching stick
Catching stick with palm down
Catching stick vertically
Clapping hands before catching

3Throwing and catching stick3 times each
 Both-hands versionTrying to throw and catch
Catching stick with palms down
Catching stick vertically
Catching stick with one palm up and the other palm down

4Keeping stick balanced3 times each
Keeping stick balanced on palm
Keeping balance of stick on floor
Keeping balance of stick on floor and clapping hands
Putting stick on back of your hand

5Flipping stick over3 times each
Flipping stick toward you and catching
Flipping stick forward and catching

6Dropping the stick3 times each
Dropping and catching stick
Dropping stick and catching stick between knees