Research Article

Physical and Psychosocial Functions of Adults with Lower Limb Congenital Deficiencies and Amputations in Childhood

Table 1

Demographics and medical characteristics of the sample ().


 Female 1546.9
Employment status
 Not working515.6
Living independently
Relationship status
 In a relationship825
Level of amputation
 Hip disarticulation/transfemoral amputation 1444
 Knee disarticulation/transtibial amputation1444
 Foot level412
Lower limb laterality
Secondary complications
 No 1650
 Local pain515.6
 Infection 00
 Bone overgrowth (BO)412.5
 Phantom pain + BO13.1
 Infection + BO + fracture13.1

Mean (SD)Range

Age at assessment (in years)33.16 (7.64)18–50
Age at amputation (in years)8.67 (5.89)0–17.5
Time since amputation (in years)24.48 (7.76)11.92–50
Prosthesis replacements9.34 (6.00)0–30