Research Article

An Examination of Women’s Self-Presentation, Social Physique Anxiety, and Setting Preferences during Injury Rehabilitation

Table 6

Environmental preferences for injured participants and correlations with SPA.

Item Total Sample ()Low SPA ()Med SPA ()High SPA ()Pearson (total sample)
Mean (SD)

Social environment
The other patients in the clinic are female3.23 (0.89)3.10 (0.63)2.90 (1.12)3.67 (0.73)
The other patients in the clinic are male2.16 (0.94)2.29 (0.96)2.10 (0.97)2.10 (0.94)
There are an equal number of males and females in the clinic2.97 (0.85)3.05 (0.74)3.05 (0.95)2.81 (0.87)
The other patients who are in the clinic are all very athletic-looking2.57 (0.88)2.81 (0.680)2.60 (0.88)2.29 (1.01)
The other patients who are in the clinic do not look very athletic2.77 (0.84)2.86 (0.48)2.60 (0.88)2.86 (1.06)
The other people who are in the clinic are very social (e.g., talk to each other a lot)2.78 (1.10)2.79 (0.98)2.85 (1.09)2.71 (1.27)
The other people who are in the clinic are not very social2.20 (1.09)2.26 (0.99)2.11 (1.21)2.23 (1.12)
The other people in the clinic are all people you would like to impress2.09 (0.93)2.15 (0.96)2.26 (0.91)1.87 (0.91)
The other people in the clinic are all people you do not feel you need to impress3.29 (1.14)3.36 (0.91)3.22 (1.24)3.29 (1.29)
You are required to ear loose-fitting long pants and a long sleeve shirt (e.g., a track suit)3.22 (0.94)3.12 (1.04)3.11 (1.02)3.42 (0.72)
You are required to wear baggy shorts and a baggy t-shirt2.98 (1.09)2.95 (0.97)3.05 (1.32)2.95 (1.02)
You are required to wear a short, tight-fitting spandex top and bottoms1.38 (0.71)1.70 (0.89)1.02 (0.09)1.41 (0.71)
Your physiotherapist is female3.13 (0.89)3.20 (0.60)3.01 (0.97)3.17 (1.06)
Your physiotherapist is male2.66 (0.75)2.63 (0.72)2.88 (0.72)2.46 (0.78)

Physical Environment
The physiotherapy clinic is one large open space2.39 (1.23)3.00 (1.00)2.05 (1.19)2.10 (1.30)
The physiotherapy clinic consists of multiple treatment beds divided by a thin curtain3.36 (1.11)3.19 (1.03)3.50 (1.15)3.38 (1.20)
The physiotherapy clinic consists of many small, completely separate offices where patients are treated behind a closed door2.24 (1.38)1.81 (1.21)2.10 (1.41)2.81 (1.37)

Note. Low SPA = scores ranging from 11 to 22, moderate SPA = 23–27, and high SPA = 28–45 on the Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS). The Pearson r values depict the correlation between preferences and SPA. SPA = Social Physique Anxiety. , .