Clinical Study

Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy Combined with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over Premotor Cortex Improves Motor Function in Severe Stroke: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Table 1

Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of participants at baseline.

M1 PMC Sham value

Age, mean (SD), 55.18 (4.21)52.97 (3.19)54.76 (4.28)0.41
Gender (male/female), 13/79/1112/80.94
Ischemic/hemorrhagic lesion, 14/611/915/50.63
Cortical/subcortical stroke, 8/129/118/120.87
 Basal ganglia2130.85
 PLIC-corona radiata5770.92
Volume size, mean (SD), cm317.8 (5.49)23.1 (3.96)22.7 (3.09)0.67
Side of brain lesion (right/left), 9/1111/910/100.73
Months after stroke, mean (SD)1.78 (1.75)1.86 (1.52)1.92 (1.36)0.82
NIHSS score, mean (SD)17.2 (0.4)17.4 (0.9)16.7 (1.3)0.91

NIHSS: The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.
PLIC: Posterior limb of the internal capsule.