Research Article

Ankle Kinematics and Temporal Gait Characteristics over the Duration of a 6-Minute Walk Test in People with Multiple Sclerosis Who Experience Foot Drop

Table 1

Participant (n=15) characteristics, objective, and self-reported walking performance.

Mean ± SD (range)

Age in years ± SD (range)54.9 ± 7.7 (37 – 64)
Males: females5: 10
EDSS range4-6
Type of MS (RR, PP, SP)4/7/4
MSWS-12 (range 0-100)72 ± 15 (50-90)
6minWT (m)263 ± 79 (107-391)
Walking speed (m/s) during 6minWT0.77(0.20)

n=12; excluding the three participants who stopped during the 6minWT.