Research Article

Patients’ and Health Professionals’ Experiences of Using Virtual Reality Technology for Upper Limb Training after Stroke: A Qualitative Substudy

Table 3

Interview guide.

Main categoriesQuestions

(1) General overall impression of YG trainingCan you tell me what made you say yes to joining the YG project?
What is your overall impression of YG training?
 Can you describe some good qualities of YG?
 Can you describe some negative qualities of YG?
 Which games do you prefer?
 Which games did you not like?

(2) Experiences of other rehabilitation technologyHad you tried other technological rehabilitation equipment? How did you like it?
Would you like to try other technological rehabilitation equipment?

(3) Experiences of progress in YG trainingDid you experience progress with your arm function related to YG training?
Did you experience discomfort, or annoyance, that you think was caused by YG training?

(4) The therapists’ learning strategies, support, organization, and facilitation of the YG trainingCan you describe how the start-up with YG was? Was it hard to learn, to use, to understand at the outset?
Can you describe how you experienced YG at the end of the course?
Was the 4-week timeframe an appropriate timeframe?
How did you experience the length of the session/processing time (up to 60 minutes)?
How did you experience the therapists’ teaching, guidance, support during the training?
Do you have recommendations for the therapists using YG?
Would you recommend YG training to your fellow patients?