Research Article

The Impact of Whole Body Vibration Therapy on Spasticity and Disability of the Patients with Poststroke Hemiplegia

Table 2

Statistical significance of the percent of changes and difference scores from baseline and group comparisons for these variables.

WBW group ()Exercise group ()

1st session
 Ankle-MAS0 (0-0)0 (−1-0)0.756
 FIM0.009 (0–0.06)0 (0–0.04)0.072
 10 mWT−0.124 (−0.17–(−0.07))−0.079 (−0.15–0.02)0.197
1st week
 Ankle-MAS0 (−1-0)0 (−1-0)0.973
 FIM0.032 (0–0.08)0.036 (0–0.07)0.282
 10 mWT−0.15 (−0.36–(−0.9))−0.118 (−0.12–0)0.002
1st month
 Ankle-MAS−0.50 (−1-0)0 (−1-0)0.143
 10 mWT−0.253 (−0.37–(−0.16))−0.093 (−0.25–0)0.001
3rd month
 Ankle-MAS−1 (−1-0)0 (−1-0)0.063
 10 mWT−0.297 (−0.61–(−0.16))−0.080 (−0.26–(−0.01))0.001
6th month
 Ankle-MAS−0.50 (−1-0)0 (0-0)0.063
 10 mWT−0.219 (−0.43–(−0.02))−0.093 (−0.27–0)0.075

Values are mean ± standard deviation for categorical variables and median (minimum-maximum) for uncategorical variables; WBV: whole body vibration; MAS: Modified Ashworth Scale; FIM: Functional Independence Measurement; 10 mWT: Timed 10-Meter Walk Test; .