Research Article

Acute Effects of Assisted Cycling Therapy on Post-Stroke Motor Function: A Pilot Study

Figure 2

Significant positive linear trends (p < 0.05) between (a) BBT-P delta scores and cadence during ACT; (b) LEMOCOT-P delta scores and cadence during ACT; (c) LEMOCOT-NP delta scores and cadence during VC; (d) LEMOCOT-P delta scores and cadence during VC. Note: A positive delta score indicates improvement. The average ACT cadence is a weighted average of the first 5 minutes at a lower ACT cadence and the following 15 minutes at the ACT target cadence. ACT = Assisted Cycling Therapy; BBT-NP = Box and Blocks Test-non-paretic; BBT-P = Box and Blocks Test-paretic; LEMOCOT-NP = Lower Extremity Motor Coordination Test-non-paretic; LEMOCOT-P = Lower Extremity Motor Coordination Test-paretic; VC = voluntary cycling.