Clinical Study

Comparison of the Number of Image Acquisitions and Procedural Time Required for Transarterial Chemoembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with and without Tumor-Feeder Detection Software

Table 1

Baseline patient and tumor characteristics.

With softwareWithout software

Gender (female/male)21/2929/550.390
Age (years)*73 (37–90)71 (35–89)0.079
HBs antigen (positive/negative)5/4515/690.220
HCV antibody (positive/negative)38/1260/240.567
Child-Pugh class (A/B)42/860/240.100
TNM stage (I/II/III)12/27/1124/44/160.537
Serum AFP level (ng/mL)*609 (3–12424)173 (3–3557)0.191
Previous treatment (primary/recurrence)13/3723/610.864
Number of tumors (1/2/3/4/5 or greater)19/10/6/7/842/12/10/8/120.258
Maximum tumor size (mm)*21 (9–47)21 (8–61)0.623
Number of treatment areas in a single session*1.7 (1–4)1.6 (1–4)0.329
Treatment area (distal/subsegment/segment/lobe)20/47/11/921/72/22/190.111

Data are expressed as the mean (range).
TACE: transarterial chemoembolization.
HB: hepatitis B; HCV: hepatitis C virus; AFP: α-fetoprotein.