Research Article

Knowledge on Irradiation, Medical Imaging Prescriptions, and Clinical Imaging Referral Guidelines among Physicians in a Sub-Saharan African Country (Cameroon)

Table 2

Global knowledge of physicians with regard to their general characteristics.

General characteristicsGlobal knowledge score value

Sex: male/female11.7/11.37.0/6.70.68
Place of degree training: national/abroad12.0/11.06.9/6.50.08
Years of experience: <10 years/≥10 years11.6/11.07.0/6.50.66

Resident or interne physician12.07.50.18
Specialist physician11.56.9
General practitioners10.35.6

Physician in emergency unit13.09.50.84
Physician in internal medicine unit11.77.3
Physician in surgery unit11.16.1
Physician in gynecology unit11.24.8
Physician in pediatric unit10.36.8

tandard deviation.