Research Article

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Trauma CT Imaging

Table 1

The comparison of total CTs, total STAT CTs, total trauma patients, total trauma CTs, the rate of pan-scans, and the percentage of negative CT scans in our level 1 trauma center during two lockdown periods in 2020 versus the corresponding prepandemic period in 2019.

ā€‰Prepandemic (Mar, 2019)2020 (1st lockdown)Prepandemic (Nov, 2019)2020 (2nd lockdown) value

Total CTs31052243359730830.0008
Total STAT CTs1832157323031973
STAT CTs rate59.0%70.1%64.0%64.0%

Total trauma patients2202112812500.0395
Total trauma CTs436446541508
Total trauma CT rate23.8%28.4%23.5%25.7%

Neg scan10184148930.268
Neg rate45.90%39.80%52.67%37.20%

Pan-scan rate31.80%38.40%38.08%34.40%