Research Article

Synthesis and Performance Evaluation of Pulse Electrodeposited Ni-AlN Nanocomposite Coatings

Table 1

Optimized bath composition and plating parameters for pulse electrodeposited Ni-AlN nanocomposite coatings.

S/NBath constituentsComposition in 1 LComposition in 100 ml

(1)Nickel sulphate hexahydrate240 g24 g
(2)Nickel chloride hexahydrate45 g4.5 g
(3)Boric acid30 g3 g
(4)AlN powder3, 6, and 9 g0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 g
Operating conditions
(3)Deposition time68 min (4 cycles each consists of 17 minutes)
(4)Current density50 mA/cm2
(5)Bath agitation300 rpm
(6)Frequency800 Hz
(7)Forward current0.45 Amps
(8)Duty cycle50%
(9) (TON + TOFF) ms1.25
(10)TON ms0.63
(11)TOFF ms0.63