Research Article

Tumor Digital Masking Allows Precise Patient Triaging: A Study Based on Ki-67 Scoring in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors

Table 1

The detailed characteristics of used antibodies.

CloneCatalogue numberDilutionType of antibodyManufacturer

Ki-6730-9790-4286Ready to useRabbit monoclonal mouseVentana Medical Systems; Roche Group, Tucson, USA
p21 WAF1DCS-60.2790-4286Ready to useMouse monoclonal mouseCell Marque, Rocklin, USA
p27Kip1SX53G8760-4268Ready to useMouse monoclonal mouseVentana Medical Systems; Roche Group, Tucson, USA
Cyclin D1SP4-R790-4508Ready to useRabbit monoclonal mouseVentana Medical Systems; Roche Group, Tucson, USA