Clinical Study

Heart Cells with Regenerative Potential from Pediatric Patients with End Stage Heart Failure: A Translatable Method to Enrich and Propagate

Figure 4

In vitro differentiation of hc-kitpositive cells. Representative photomicrographs of emigrated and immune-selected hc-kitpositive cells demonstrating expression of mesodermal markers (GATA 4 and Nkx 2.5) and cardiac differentiation (Mcl-2 and troponin-I). Monoclonal antibody binding was visualized using DAB reporter chromogen (brown) with nuclear hematoxylin counterstain (blue). (a) GATA 4positive hc-kitpositive cells. Magnification 630. (b) Nkx 2.5positive hc-kitpositive cells. Magnification 200. (c) Mcl-2positive hc-kitpositive cells at Day 28. Magnification 630. (c) Troponin-Ipositive hc-kitpositive cells at Day 28. Magnification 630. Note: hc-kitpositive cells are positive for the four epitopes.