Clinical Study

Safety of Allogeneic Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells Therapy in Patients with Severe Cerebral Palsy: A Retrospective Study

Table 1

Characteristics of 47 patients with severe CP who were treated with allogeneic UCBSCs.


Mean age (SD), y5.85 (6.12)
Age ranges (<10 y/≥10 y)35/12
 Male (%)35 (74.5)
 Female (%)12 (25.5)
Duration of treatment (SD), d27.17 (8.03)
Number of infusions (SD), 5.38 (1.36)
Birth method
 Vaginal (%)28 (59.6)
 Cesarean (%)19 (40.4)
Mean birth weight (SD), kg2.53 (0.84)
Low birth weight (BW <3000 g) (%)20 (42.6)
Mean gestational age (SD), w35.06 (5.18)
Neonatal jaundice (%)8 (17.0)
NHIE (%)28 (59.6)
Epilepsy (%)13 (27.7)
MIDP (%)16 (34.0)

Note. NHIE: neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy; MIDP: mother infected during pregnancy; SD: standard deviation; y: year; kg: kilogram; w: week; d: day; : time.