Review Article

Low Reactive Level Laser Therapy for Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Therapies

Figure 2

(a) Subcellular location of CRY1 proteins in MSCs after laser irradiation (200 mW/cm2). Cells were double-labeled with DAPI (blue) and CRY1 (red). CRY1 localized to the cytoplasm prior to laser irradiation (A). However, after laser irradiation, CRY1 translocated to the nucleus (B) (scale bars: 50 µm). (b) mRNA levels of Cry1 in MSCs 24 h after laser irradiation (200 mW/cm2) and in nonirradiated cells. Samples were normalized to mRsp18. The mRNA levels of Cry1 decreased after blue laser irradiation relative to nonirradiated cells (, indicating significant difference between the relative mRNA levels of laser-irradiated MSCs and controls) [3].