Research Article

Longitudinal Cell Tracking and Simultaneous Monitoring of Tissue Regeneration after Cell Treatment of Natural Tendon Disease by Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Figure 3

(Up): boxplot of score points obtained in ultrasonographic assessment in all cases at the day of treatment (pre) and 2 weeks (2 w), 4 weeks (4 w), and 8 weeks (8 w) after treatment, with “a” indicating lower score points (improvement) compared to 2 w (). (Down): exemplary cross-sectional ultrasonographic images of a severe tendon lesion with an extensive hypoechoic defect (arrow) of the superficial digital flexor tendon at the day of treatment (A), 2 weeks after treatment (B), and 4 (C) and 8 (D) weeks after treatment when showing gradual filling of the defect and decrease of tendon enlargement.