Research Article

Er-Xian Decoction Stimulates Osteoblastic Differentiation of Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Ovariectomized Mice and Its Gene Profile Analysis

Figure 1

EXD treatment prevents OVX-induced bone loss by μCT analyses. (a) 3D image of mouse L4 vertebra in Sham, OVX, and EXD group analyzed by μCT. (b) Morphometric data of (a) indicates a bone loss by a significant decrease in BMD, BV/TV, Tb.N, Tb.Th and an increase in Tb.Sp. of OVX mice compared to those of Sham mice. Four of them were significantly rescued by EXD treatment. In addition, EXD markedly increased the Conn.D. degree after OVX surgery. The columns represent the means ± SE per group. , versus sham, #, ## versus OVX.