Review Article

Young at Heart: Pioneering Approaches to Model Nonischaemic Cardiomyopathy with Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Table 1

Cardiac differentiation in microdevices featuring high control over physicochemical stimulation.

PhysicsStimulation typeCell environmentCell typeReadoutReference

BiochemicalMatrigel, B27 minus insulin supplement3DhiPSCsSarcomeric α-actin, and DAPIMathur et al. (2015) [24]

BiomimicryNanofiber scaffolds (macroscale)3DEmbryoid bodies (EBs) from mESCSarcomeric α-actin, and connexin 43 Ghasemi-Mobarakeha et al. (2013) [111]
Collagen type I interspersed with laminin3DEBs from mESCPECAM (FITC), beating cellsBattista et al. (2005) [112]

ElectricalElectrodes – 304 stainless steel and titanium rods (10 cm × 1.3 mm)2DhESCTroponin T, beating cellsSerena et al. (2009) [113]
Indium tin oxide electrodes2DhASCConnexin 43, F-actin, and beating cellsTandon et al. (2010) [114]
Carbon electrodes3DmPSCContraction force measurementBoudou et al. (2012) [22]
Electrodes in a Petri dish after biowire maturation3DhPSC Sarcomeric α-actinin, Troponin T, and beating cellsNunes et al. (2013) [95]

MechanicalAuxotonic load3DmPSC, hiPSCCalcium release, beating cellsThavandiran et al. (2013) [23]

ElectromechanicalPDMS/CNT electrodes + cyclic strain2DhBM-MSCqRT-PCRPavesi et al. (2015) [115]
Carbon electrodes, static stretch3DmPSCBeating cellsMiklas et al. (2014) [96]
Graphite electrodes, auxotonic contraction3DmPSCCalcium release, beating cellsGodier-Furnémont et al. (2015) [97]

CocultureMouse endothelial cells3DNeonatal mouse CMsTUNEL (apoptosis), beating cells, and connexin 43Narmoneva et al. (2004) [108]
Organised capillary network between artery and vein2DNeonatal rats CMsTroponin T, connexin 43, and beating cellsChiu et al. (2012) [110]
Superior cervical ganglion neurons3DiPSC-CMsBeating cellsTakeuchi et al. (2011, 2012, and 2013) [103105], Miwa et al. (2013) [106]