Review Article

The Androgen Receptor Bridges Stem Cell-Associated Signaling Nodes in Prostate Stem Cells

Table 1

The effect of androgens and/or AR expression on stem cell populations.

Stem cell typeEffect of AR/androgenEffect of AR inhibitionReferences

Embryonic stem cellCardiomyocyte differentiationEnhanced self-renewal
Increased proliferation

Haematopoietic stem cellErythropoiesis
Neutrophil differentiation
Expansion of MEPs

Mesenchymal stem cellReduced self-renewal
Myogenic differentiation
Enhanced self-renewal
Enhanced migratory ability
Osteogenic differentiation

Neural stem cellDecreased proliferationIncreased proliferation[124]

Prostate stem cellProstate epithelial differentiationEnhanced self-renewal[15, 31]

Prostate CSCReduced self-renewalEnhanced self-renewal
Expansion of CSC pool
[40, 43]

AR, androgen receptor; CSC, cancer stem cell; MEP, megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor.