Research Article

Label-Free Imaging of Umbilical Cord Tissue Morphology and Explant-Derived Cells

Figure 9

Staining of umbilical cord tissue for ALDH1A1 expression (brown). Images are shown for umbilical cord areas: (a) vein, (b) arteries, (c) Wharton’s jelly, and (d) cord edge and amniotic epithelium. Slides were counterstained using Mayer’s hematoxylin (dark blue = cell nuclei). Scale bars = 50 μm. Unstained cells (black arrows) are found in all anatomical compartments of the cord. Representative images of 3 different experiments are shown. Images of control staining without primary antibody are available in the electronic Supplementary Material, Figure  S1. Scale bars = 50 μm (top left corner).