Review Article

Increased Understanding of Stem Cell Behavior in Neurodegenerative and Neuromuscular Disorders by Use of Noninvasive Cell Imaging

Figure 4

In vivo long-term follow-up of stem cell migration with bioluminescence imaging (BLI). (a) At day 7 after injection there was a detectable BLI signal only at the site of injection (SVZ). At 15 and 30 weeks after injection an additional focus was detected at the OB projection site, as well as the original focus at the SVZ. A representative mouse is shown. (b) The graph shows the quantification of the in vivo OB BLI signal from all the animals followed up for 30 weeks (). The OB photon flux at weeks 15 and 30 was significantly higher than that on day 7 ( and .045). OB, olfactory bulb; p, photons; s, second; sr, steradian; SVZ, subventricular zone [115].