Research Article

Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Microvesicles Support Ex Vivo Expansion of Cord Blood-Derived CD34+ Cells

Table 1

miRNAs expressed in MSC-MVs that are involved in regulation of hematopoiesis.


miR-125aMaintenance of self-renewal and differentiation balance in HSPCsUnknown[22]
miR-29aRegulation of early hematopoiesis and myeloid commitmentHBP1[23]
miR-223Regulation of progenitor cell proliferation and granulocyte functionMef2c[24]
miR-21Regulation of myelopoiesisSMAD7[25]
miR-451Regulation of erythropoiesisGATA-2[26]
miR-144Regulation of erythropoiesisKlfd[27]
miR-150Modulating early B lymphocyte differentiationc-Myb[28]
miR-126Regulation of primitive erythropoiesisVcam-1[29]
miR-196bRegulation of myelopoiesisHOXA9, MEIS1[30]
miR-125bRegulation of stem cell pool sizeUnknown[22]
miR-181Modulating T lymphocyte differentiationDUSP6[31]
miR-424Regulation of monocytopoiesisNFI-A[32]