Research Article

Fibronectin and Cyclic Strain Improve Cardiac Progenitor Cell Regenerative Potential In Vitro

Figure 6

Strain induces CPC alignment. CPCs were seeded on each matrix for 6 hours and then cyclic strain was applied for 24 hours. (a) Quantification of strain-induced matrix-dependent alignment. Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA with Dunn’s multiple comparison tests; bars represent mean + SEM; and ; –7; PLL (brown): poly-L-lysine, LN (green): laminin, FN (purple): fibronectin, COL (blue): collagen I, and cECM (red): naturally derived cardiac extracellular matrix. (b) Representative cell strain images. Blue: DAPI and green: FITC-maleimide; arrow indicates principle direction of strain; 0–15: strain magnitude (%).