Research Article

Dasatinib and Doxorubicin Treatment of Sarcoma Initiating Cells: A Possible New Treatment Strategy

Table 1

The mean mRNA expression ratio of HER1, HER2, HER3, and HER4 receptors for the EGF system and the ligands AR, EPI, and HB for the parental cell line hMSC-TERT4 and the derived clonal cell line hMSC-TERT20-CE8 with the ability to form sarcoma-like tumours in mice. All expressions levels are normalized to reference gene B2M. The numbers in bold represent the gene that exhibits significant changes when comparing hMSC-TERT20-CE8 with the parental cell line hMSC-TERT4.

GeneMean expression ratio (95% CI)
Mean95% CIMean95% CI

HER163.11(2.05; 4.17)92.58(2.12; 3.04)
HER264.59(3.65; 5.53)90.93(0.66; 1.19)
HER390.76(0.63; 0.88)120.43(0.32; 0.54)
HER460.10(0.00; 0.19)90.03(0.01; 0.05)
AR60.65(0.43; 0.86)940.09(31.09; 49.01)
EPI60.06(0.00; 0.12)928.64(17.28; 39.99)
HB66.65(3.76; 9.54)921.52(13.27; 29.77)