Research Article

Raman Spectroscopic Analyses of Jaw Periosteal Cell Mineralization

Figure 5

Spectral ratios to assess the mineral compositions of DMEM- and MC-cultured MSCA-1+ JPCs in osteogenic differentiation. Mineral to matrix ratio as indicated by (a) ratio of hydroxyapatite (HA) to phenylalanine signal and (b) ratio of HA to amide III. Both ratios are significantly increased under MC conditions after 20 days of differentiation. (c) Carbonate to HA (1070/961 cm−1) ratios were significantly higher in JPCs differentiated under DMEM conditions. (d) The crystallinity is indicated by the inverse of full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the HA peak and was significantly decreased under serum-free MC culture conditions compared to DMEM conditions indicating more mature differentiation. Asterisks indicate statistical significances: .