Research Article

Therapeutic Effect and Location of GFP-Labeled Placental Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Hepatic Fibrosis in Rats

Figure 4

Localization and fate of the transplanted hPMSCs in rat livers of different experimental groups. (a) Representative figures of liver fluorescence are from rats from each group at each time point; (b) RT-PCR of human-specific markers. Lane 1, positive control (human liver for ALB and CK18, human liver cancer for AFP); lane 2, the liver of group III as a negative control; lane 3 to 6, hPMSC transplantation at 1 w, 4 w, 8 w, and 12 w in group I. Human AFP and CK18 were not detected at the four time points, but ALB was detected in lane 4. Lane 7 to 10, hPMSC transplantation at 1 w, 4 w, 8 w, and 12 w in group II. Human ALB, AFP, and CK18 were all detected at the three later time points but not at 1 w.